Hello I'm Ed DeRosa of Bella Blaze Kennels Von DeRosa Haus. I've been involved with German Shepherd dogs since 1982. Over
the last few years my wife Sue and my daughter Katy have joined me in my quest for the best dogs. Our German Shepherds love
children, and other animals. Over the years, we have raised 4 children, many nieces and nephews, and now grandchildren along
with our German Shepherds. At our kennel we strive for excellence. Our dogs are 100% German, from top titled german import
background, bred for temperament, protection, search and rescue, Schutzhound show/working, and family companions. Our dogs
are O.F.A , A.K.C., and DNA certified. Our dogs are titled and all are out of titled german stock. We have a beautiful facility
with an excellent whelping area. Our shepherds are hand picked in Germany, to our satisfaction, is that we can bring the best
to you!